Saturday, June 20, 2009

Be sure to follow our Ireland Blog!!!
We will make sure it's updated daily while we're away. Our friend Kate will be doing all of the updating. So if you see a bunch of faces you don't know, just be watching for our's ... I'm sure Sadie will make the cut most days... she has a big following! ;)

It's already up and running - we are leaving this next Thursday, June 25th at 3:25. Pray for safe travels, and many blessings. We hope to come back truly changed by God's amazing works!

Here's a farewell for now from Sadie. She says, "Gimme a great big hug!!!!"

Here's another couple I just love...this is her new sleep position...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sadie and her new past time...

Sadie loves banging things together as of I figured, why not? Who needs a quiet household anyway? I gave her a metal bowl, two metal measuring cups, and a wooden spoon...and watched her go to town! She loved it! She was so good at putting in the measuring cup, then taking it out, then eating, then doing it all over again! She's our funny little girl.

She now has TWO teeth, still working on the top ones. These have been tougher on her than the first two... I was hoping they'd come in before we left for Ireland... We still have 10 days as of today... So we'll see.

She had her first ear infection last week... It was caused by her allergies, which were caused by her teething. The fun thing with this one... boogers literally coming out of her eyes. We thought maybe she had pink eye... No. The doctor said her sinuses were SO backed up, that boogers were coming out of her eyes, b/c they had nowhere else to go... YYUUUUMMMYYYY!!! One dose of Amoxicillin, the gunk was gone. I'm a believer!

She's really trying to scooch her way around right now. She definitely finds her way around her crib. One minute she's got her tooshy sticking in the air in the upper right hand corner of the crib, the next minute, she's on her back in the lower left hand corner... kicking the monitor. Lovely sound at 2 AM.

Last night she went down at 9, mommy tried to wear her out...she's been going to bed around 11 or midnight for about a week or so. She was exhausted. However, she slept until 1...and wanted to play. She would not go back down. Really cute sounds coming from the monitor, but not at 1:15, 1:30, puking at 1:45, crying at 2, playing at 2:15... I was utterly exhausted this morning. And b/c Craig goes to work so early, I got her and me ready by myself this morning... My hat goes off to single moms... you guys rock. B/c there are days, I'm not sure I'd know what to do without Craig's help! It was by the GRACE OF GOD that I got up by 6:45, got myself ready by 7:15, woke her up at 7:20, bathed her by 7:30, fed her at 7:40, burped her 3 times (wow for her), and was out the door by 7:57 to go to Daycare. That's all while running my clothes in the dryer to UNwrinkle, making sure the humidifier was emptied. I never got to undo her sheets with puke on them... but hey...I was doing good to do the humidifier.

B/c I'm working Mother's Day Out Summer Camp Mondays and Wednesdays, it's really hard for me to get her to daycare by 8:15, and back up to the church by 8:30. I'm telling you, God's hand guided me all morning. All while feeling as though I needed to puke, as I had caught Craig's bug from last week. I would say I was proud of myself...but it was truly God's hand in it!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pics...most recent

Sadie Loooooooves her bath time!!!
Snoozin' during our busy errand running... wearing her new pink camo tennis shoes...

At my sister Vaughna's house after Sadie's cousin Glen got "Bap -UH- tized".

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sadie's 6 months old now AND cut her first tooth!!!

My big girl is growing up so fast! I couldn't believe it! While we were in the dr.'s office, I was asking him about her cutting teeth, how long it could take, etc. Just then, I felt in her mouth, and sure enough, there it was, as sharp as ever. She weighed 19 lbs 2.5 oz and was 26 1/2 in. long. He said she's about in the 90th percentile for her age. She's gonna be a big'n!! She handled her shots like a champ!
NOW - I think she's cutting another one. She didn't sleep too well last night. She woke up around 11:30 and cried for a good long while and couldn't get settled down. Her nose was really stopped up. I gave her decongestent drops (hated it!), put Orajel on her little gumes, checked her temp (nothing, 97.9), and gave her Tylenol. I rocked her to sleep in her carseat, and she slept the rest of the night like that. Nothing new there... she's only slept on her tummy in her crib for about a week. When she can't breathe, though, she doesn't sleep well. Who does? Can't blame her. Bless her little heart.
Today, as I walked into her daycare Nana's house, I could hear her screaming from the back patio... she was just kickin' and screamin'... Nana was changing her diaper, and couldn't get her pants back on... I picked her up, and she was better for about 2 seconds, but right back at it she went. She hadn't taken a nap since this she was EXHAUSTED and hurting, I'm sure.
She fell asleep in the car on the way home, thank goodness, but who knows how long she'll be out! I guess until she's hungry! She's been asleep for almost 45 minutes now... in her carseat. I can't wait to see what tonight shall bring....